Original Sebsi

Moroccan Man Smoking a Sebsi Pipe With Smoke Rising From the Bowl

Product of Morocco Sold in the US

Sebsi pipes are traditional Moroccan wood pipes used for smoking Kif. Kif is a mixture of cannabis and tobacco.

A Morrocan Sebsi pipe is made from a variety of woods. The woods range from quality almond and walnut down to a reed like wood that grows along the rivers and lakes. Some Sebsi pipe woods tend to be hand painted. Alternatively, reed pipes are left natural with the bark on. The hard wood almond and walnut pipes are made on a small hand worked lathe. Artisans use the lathe to produce hundreds of Sebsi pipe patterns. 

Authentic Sebsi Pipes

An authentic Sebsi pipe is normally 40-45cm long. This length permits hot vapors additional time to cool before inhalation. As users draw slowly the vapors become cool. The bowl that fits on the end of Sebsi pipes is called a Skuff. A Skuff is hand made from clay, bone, or stone.

Smoking a Sebsi pipe is a cherished tradition in Morocco. For centuries, Moroccans have indulged in the art of smoking with Sebsi pipes, a practice that remains common among individuals of all ages, from the elderly to the youth.

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